Innovate Dorset


"Introducing a Positive adult role model into a child's or young person's life can make a substantial impact"

Mentors empower young people to:

  • Increase their confidence
  • Build their self esteem
  • Develop life skills
  • Improve their social skills
  • Have future goals
  • Re-engage with education, training, or employment

Innovate Dorset’s progressive mentoring system is renowned countywide for it’s innovative and creative approach to the informal education of young people. Our highly trained and skilled mentors provide a safe and caring environment for young people to increase their confidence, build their self-esteem, and improve their social and life skills. Mentoring tackles the underlying reasons why a young person may not engage in mainstream education, training or employment, and seeks to provide a positive role model in their time with us as an interim service. With each young person’s targeted outcomes in mind, mentoring focuses on mutual respect, personal growth, improvements in behaviour, and the space to learn from mistakes. We recognise that education is essential, and our bespoke mentoring underpins our holistic approach to alternative education.