Innovate Dorset

Innovate Dorset is a local alternative provision and education provider, specialising in supporting children and young people throughout Dorset back into education.


Our bespoke service provides a unique curriculum that offers young people the opportunity to achieve a range of academic and vocational qualifications. As a registered Pearsons Exam Centre, the consistency of venue has reduced young people’s anxiety at exam times therefore promoting greater success. 

Our experienced mentoring and tutoring team ensure that our young people leave with confidence to progress and transferable skills ready for their next steps.

Innovate Dorset's Mission

By recognising and cultivating the potential of children and young people, we strive to ensure everyone is supported to succeed. Our ethos is underpinned by our commitment to a nurturing, inclusive, and individualised service, while striving for excellence and adventure. We are dedicated to providing a safe space for young people to craft the life skills they need to successfully engage in education, training, and employment.

Our intervention model is designed to support both individuals and targeted groups who may be identified as:

Vulnerable and/or at Risk - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) - Looked After Children (LAC) - On the Cusp of Exclusion - Disengaged from Education

Keeping children safe online

We all have a part to play in keeping children safe online.

Find out how with NSPCC online safety guides.

Our Zero Tolerance Policy

Our policy for aggressive and harassing contacts made towards our hardworking staff.

Childrens Rights

The rights of children. Here in the Uk and agreed in nearly every country all over the world.
